Turkey is going to change, the United States of fear!

Turkey is going to change, the United States of fear!

A United States geopolitical analyst, Jacob Shapiro, believes that Turkey will not follow the United States or the European Union blindly. He said Turkey has changed. Now the country is not wanting to be a partner in the United States that would walk on its words without any hesitation. The country has its own interests, which it will try to achieve.

Jacob Shapiro said, "In places of interest, the interests of the United States and Europe sometimes have a similarity. And sometimes they will not be the same. '

However, in an article, he said that there is no possibility of breaking the relations between the United States and the European Union with Turkey.
Note that Jacob Shapiro, United States Analyst for Geophysical Futures (GFP) Director He evaluated Turkey's short and long-term geopolitical challenges and recent tensions between Turkey and Ankara on Washington's decision to buy Russia's S-400 air defense system.

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