The best day of President Trump

The best day of President Trump

Donald Trump has not been a victim of a fractured relationship with Russia in the 2016 presidential election. He had to talk to him many times. There was fear that he would be convicted. But now if the opposition Democrats want to remove President Trump from the White House, it is not possible before the 2020 presidential election. It is possible to move the trump through only the ballot. Because special consultant Robert Mueller found no evidence of any involvement with the Trump election campaign team with Russia in his long investigation.

For 22 months the cloud covered on the trump has been removed, the blame on the shoulders of the blame for a long time has been lifted. Undoubtedly, it can be said that this is the best day in the trump life after the swearing in January 017. Muller has described Trump as innocent. He said Trump's election campaign team did not have any conspiracy or cooperation with Russia.
Source: BBC

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