Anti-satellite missile tests in India, US alert

Anti-satellite missile tests in India, US alert

India is emerging as the fourth country after America, Russia and China as one of the strongest in space As part of this, India has destroyed a satellite by anti-satellite missile test Wednesday. In response, US Secretary of Defense Patrick Sanahan warned that 'disorder' may occur in space.

According to Sanahan, the BBC said in a report that the US is still observing the missile test in India. Although Delhi reported that they conducted missiles in low orbit, there would be no waste in the space.

After the Indian missile test, Sanan told reporters that space should be a place where we can do business. It should be a place where everyone has the freedom to work. The waste generated from this type of test can damage civilian and military satellites.
Although India claims to have carried out its anti-satellite missile test called 'Mission Power' in low orbit. Besides, they did it in such a way that there was no waste in the space.

 Still, if some waste is created, then they will fall into the ground within a week, Delhi has claimed.

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